We believe...
- That it’s possible to create healthcare that is right for the patient, the healthcare professional and for society.
- That each healthcare professional has a unique ability to influence healthcare.
- That consciously using this influence will exponentially improve the quality and experience of healthcare.
- That there is a longing amongst healthcare professionals for the human dimension, for more connection and for working fueled by passion.
- That we create and shape healthcare together.
- That healthcare is always shifting, along with the VUCA and complex world around us.
- That healthcare can be value-driven and patient-oriented and equally be organised in an efficient way.
- That there is great opportunity in sharing all available expertise, desires and dreams for the future.
Nice to meet you!
Meet our team

Angelique van Dam
Does everything with full devotion & love and goes through fire. First as a GP and then (living in China and Canada) as acupuncturist and leadership coach. Always the optimist who can see possibilities everywhere, even when others can’. A magic vessel full of contrasts, and never boring. Follows her heart in everything life brings. Lives life to the full! Life is worth enjoying.

Cindy de Leeuw
Enthusiastic perfectionist! Creator of order and structure. Favorite quote: ‘Everyone knowe something you don’t!’ Not a day will pass by without seeing an episode of Friends. Will never go somewhere without her lipbalm and will always have a tidy home. On a mission to make this world more beautiful, more sustainable and a better place.

Nienke Kessels
What you see is what you get. Feet in the clay. Energetic, enthusiastic. Sincere, honest. Attention makes everything more beautiful. Sustainability. Idealist. Creating something beautiful together in this world. Intuitive, sensitive, and at the same time focused on doing. Looks at the world with a sense of open curiosity and wonder.

Valerie Overmeer
Nothing can stop her from supporting you in seeing new possibilities. A huge range in service of every coach and/or training session. With her basis in organizational development and consulting she now has her primary focus on leadership and coaching, since many years. She brings wisdom and laughter, a big heart and sincerity. Drawn towards health care to support medical professionals in changing healthcare from within.

Raúl Carvajal Cuevas
Passionate about human beings. A crisp, intense and soft mix of the analytical mind of an industrial engineer and the creative one of a heart-driven being. He brings depth and lightness in creating transformative contexts that open up the space for new things to emerge. Energy follows awareness. Sustainability is what connected him to the health care system.

Judy van Zon
Combines her analytical mind with spirituality. Strong professionalism with softness. Has the courage to name the dark side. Inspires people from diverse cultures (also within one organization) to use their inner wisdom and strengths and create connection. Is endlessly curious and always finds gold in what people bring. She sees many possibilities to create synergy in healthcare teams.

Arijaan Valkenburg-van den Berg
Trustworthy and accurate, creative organisator with eye for style and detail. Enjoys clean and tidy, writing with a fountain pen and sing in classical choir projects. Active member of the church and involved with every person with a wide open heart for vulnerable people. Likes to share her insights with others and is always ready to learn from others; grow together and evolve together.
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